My Factory Webpage Banner settings

My Factory Webpage Banner settings

In myfactory there are classes that set the height of the banner .slider-height-4 (i am guessing there are also classes that end with 1, 2, & 3. Did not check to confirm, but my guess is there are and each of them sets different height). If you want to change the banner height you have to either change the class or remove it in total. When you remove the banner height will be set automatic or you can define a special height on formSlide element.

If you want to change the speed of the carousel, meaning how long the image stays before it changes then you have to edit mf-main.js:


/* slider active */
        loop: true,
        nav: false,
        autoplay: true,
        autoplayTimeout: 10000,
        animateOut: 'fadeOut',
        animateIn: 'fadeIn',
        item: 1,

10000 bedeutet 10000ms = 10sek. 

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