Upgrade von Vipre Business + Bus.Premium auf Vipre Endpoint Security

Upgrade von Vipre Business + Bus.Premium auf Vipre Endpoint Security

Dieser Artikel zeigt wie Sie auf VIPRE Endpoint Security wechseln und die neuen Agents zu den Endpoint ausrollen.

Die Anleitung gilt für VIPRE Business & VIPRE Business Premium.

Falls Sie eine Vipre Business VOR Version 5.0.4959 haben, so möchten Sie diese zunächst aktualisieren:

Upgrading the VIPRE Console:
  1. Ensure the key received from sales begins with "443"
  2. Close the VIPRE Business Console
  3. Back up the VIPRE database
  4. Download and run the VIPRE Endpoint Security installer
  5. Once complete, open the Console and confirm that Endpoint Security is installed

Downloading Agent Software:
  1. On the Console, go to: Site Properties > Updates
  2. Click the "Agent" button
  3. Wait for the Status for the Software Updates to report "Healthy"
  4. Close the Site Properties

Upgrading the Agents:

Upgrading with a Scheduled Installation:
  1. Right click the Agent, select Agent Updates, and choose Schedule Agent Upgrades
  2. Select VIPRE Endpoint Security from the drop down menu and choose an installation time
  3. The agent will upgrade shortly after the scheduled time

The following article outlines additional steps required to install agents on Windows XP or Server 2003 endpoints: