Upgrade von Vipre Business + Bus.Premium auf Vipre Endpoint Security
Dieser Artikel zeigt wie Sie auf VIPRE Endpoint Security wechseln und die neuen Agents zu den Endpoint ausrollen.
Die Anleitung gilt für VIPRE Business & VIPRE Business Premium.
Falls Sie eine Vipre Business VOR Version 5.0.4959 haben, so möchten Sie diese zunächst aktualisieren:
Upgrading the VIPRE Console:
- Ensure the key received from sales begins with "443"
- Close the VIPRE Business Console
- Back up the VIPRE database
- Download and run the VIPRE Endpoint Security installer
- Once complete, open the Console and confirm that Endpoint Security is installed
Downloading Agent Software:- On the Console, go to: Site Properties > Updates
- Click the "Agent" button
- Wait for the Status for the Software Updates to report "Healthy"
- Close the Site Properties
Upgrading the Agents:Upgrading with a Scheduled Installation:- Right click the Agent, select Agent Updates, and choose Schedule Agent Upgrades
- Select VIPRE Endpoint Security from the drop down menu and choose an installation time
- The agent will upgrade shortly after the scheduled time
The following article outlines additional steps required to install agents on Windows XP or Server 2003 endpoints:
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